Installation path from 7.9.4 to latest ver?

I’ve been away for a while because of almost 2 years job and now getting back to business again :slight_smile:

My version seems to be somewhat old; “About” is saying “Version 7.9.4 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)”

If I remember correctly, SuiteCRM need to be updated (almost?) step by step. Of course, I would like to the most direct path to it, which probably could be installing a new version with new db and then import stuff to it from old version.

Is this possible?

If not, what could be the recommended path of versions needed to be upgraded into?


Hi, welcome back.

You should be able to do a simple one step upgrade. Go ahead and try it!

Hmm… OK, thanks, but what package should I choose?

There are 7.9.x to 7.10.24 and 7.10.x to 7.11.15, but no package 7.9.x to 7.11.15, at least that I could find it?


See also here

it seems there isn’t one for the very latest 7.11.15, but I see one for 7.11.10, go for that one and then it’s a small step up to 7.11.15

Thanks, I took a look on the directory You linked, but I do not find 7.9.x to 7.11.10 either?

Highest I can see is this 7.9.x to 7.10.24?

Apologies, I could have sworn I saw it there but it was my mistake.

I guess you need to go to 7.10. and then to 7.11.

In reality, not often does SuiteCRM need to be upgraded “in steps”. This might be just an issue of economy, not creating an infinite number of packages. Although I admit sometimes some technical detail makes it impossible to go from a really old version to a really new one.

Good luck with your upgrades. Keep an eye on the Compatibility Matrix to see when you need to upgrade your PHP version (aim for 7.3 at the final step).


I took the path I thought that needs to be taken; 7.9.x to 7.10.24 and 7.10.x to 7.11.15. After first upgrade logs were full of several kinds of errors, but I decided to go anyway to the end just to see what happens, and after the latter package, no errors at all!?! Either logging was somehow stopped, or then it went really well :slight_smile:

Anyway, everything seems to be working OK. I had already earlier checked the php policy of my ISP against recommended php versions of each upgrade, and since the latest one my ISP offers is 7.2, it’s OK.

Thanks for the help!