Installation issues


OK next issue, mysql.

i can’t make SuiteCRM connect to the databse. The correct syntax for mysql cli is a mystery, when do you use the ’ '.

Which user do i grant privileges to?

Exactly what must i do for mysql. (i am using mariadb)

Normally you don’t have to use the MySQL CLI for anything. The SuiteCRM installer is capable of creating the necessary users and database.

You just have to give the installer your MySQL admin credentials (or another user with enough privileges).


do you mean the mysql root account?

if not do you have to create a user in mysql? what are the commands for that?

sorry to be a pain

Yes, by “MySQL admin account” I mean the “MySQL root account”. Just try it, it will work.

Thanks that worked

Where can i find documentation for actually using it?

I was looking through Admin and for instance there is no way to add an incoming mail account

Google is your friend


you are a star

There does not appear to be much if anything on SuiteCRM admin (all the settings)

Employees? They are there on the profile menu but where do you create them?

Can SuiteCRM fetch emails from an account and create a support ticket?