Installation issue with 8.5.0 version - could not connect to DB

I would rather focus on the blank screen on the browser. That shouldn’t be happening.

Are you using php or php-fpm?

I would tail logs for web server error_log and the php log, and see what errors pop up when trying to open in the browser.
Most likely is there’s a critical php error, but could be something else. The logs should throw you a hint. those logging mechanisms weren’t designed by suitecrm so you’re safe.

Actually, issue was on mySQL server. Currently fixing it

Awesome! Share you solutions with us, so it will help others in the future.

Hello all.
Actually, I realized that mySQL wasn’t set properly. It is not stated in installation guide (I thought it was install suiteCRM script to make it) that you need to:

  • set root password (I also granted root access to mysql @localhost ← I don’t know if it is required for suitecrm but just in case)
  • create a database for suiteCRM. I called it ‘CRM’
  • create a user that have all privileges to access to ‘CRM’ database previously created

Clearly, now I see progress when tring to install it from CLI (./bin/console suitecrm:app:install).

However, I still got an error message (see attached picture for more log): “upload File Size | error | Warning: Your PHP configuration should be changed to allow files of at least 6MB to be uploaded.”

Any idea for next step ?

I see these recommendations in plenty of online guides, but I’ve done countless SuiteCRM installs without these steps. The installer does all that for me. And it works. That’s why it’s not added to the official installation guides.

So there must be some other problem or detail that was causing your problems.

However, I still got an error message (see attached picture for more log): “upload File Size | error | Warning: Your PHP configuration should be changed to allow files of at least 6MB to be uploaded.”


Hello all.
I’m back again. I restart from scratch install on a new VM, was more carefull at all steps. I’m suspecting I missed first time proper configuration of PHP-FPM.

As I understood this time that I don’t need to create Database in mysql, I haven’t connect to mysql at all (I just installed packages and check that process is started).

Now I succeed to access to install page via Web Browser.
However, I still get an error message. Any idea of what is still missing ?

Please note that my understanding was:

  • I don’t have to create in mysql SuiteCRM Dabase User (I understood suitecrm install script will make it)
  • same for database name

Is my understanding correct? Any guidance?

The mysql installation will always create a root user, I believe. You can use this user in the SuiteCRM installer, that’s what I typically do.

It’s only the creation of the database for SuiteCRM (and its permissions) that I don’t do anything and let the installer do everything for me.

I hope this makes things clearer, in case I wasn’t clear before.

I suggest trying a really simple and short password, with no special characters, just as a test, to eliminate other possible bugs.

Watch this video :desktop_computer: :computer_mouse: :v:

SuiteCRM 8 Upgrade Tutorial Walkthrough Step by Step by Paul Stevens

Suitecrm-8-on-ubuntu Blog

I created a user in mysql with all rights access. Could be good to put some tips in documentation that a mysql or mariadb user must be created with example (command line command) on how to create them.

Then, I faced a last issue with minimum size file to be uploaded to be changed. Could be good to explain on how to do it in the documentation (to change it in right php.ini file, which process to restart). I spent time to find the information but now it works !

Thanks all for your support.