Install Errors--Help Please


I have attached a LONG list of errors/warnings that came along with my install. The program still installed, but I get “undefined” warnings and long lists of what may be the same warnings when I try to do Repairs inside Suite.

Obviously, I don’t want to use this install. But what is causing this?

I believe all my owner/permissions are ok, and my server company staff don’t feel that these errors reflect issues there. They could be wrong, I don’t know.

Any idea?


Warning: This script isn’t in the allowed_admin_path setting

this is a server config problem, I recommend people install on a server form scratch. I think its a vhosts related issue on your server. That is an apache config problem.


Thank you so much for the quick reply. When you say install on the server from scratch, you don’t mean wipe the server and do that from scratch? Oy! I’m hoping you mean Suite from scratch, rather than an upgrade, which is what I am doing.

Wiping the server and starting anew would be difficult, and everything else is running without issue. Any clue as to what might be wrong with Apache?

What i mean is for me personaly. I prefer to have a minimum server where I personally installed apache, php, mysql etc. There are some great tutorials on how to do this out there.

It took me a while to really get a hold. But as far as your exact error I cant remember of the top of my head how to fix it. It snot specific to suitecrm but rather specific to how your server is configured.

What OS are you using? try searching for those error messages

Thank you again, Angry. I will look into it. Perhaps there is a way to clean up apache rather than redo it? I’ll poke around.

I’m also wondering if the fact I am running mysql 5.5.x is an issue. I know the older versions of sugar/suite specs needing 5.0/5.1. Not sure what the new 7.5 needs.

Just re-thinking it. I had my server techs looking at the errors/warnings in the text file. And none of them seemed at all familiar with those issues. I’m running CentOS, which is essentially Red Hat. So I’m doubting this is a typical apache thing.