Install database connection issue with SuiteCRM 8

Looks like I have found one

Hi @vomus,

Great! Are you in qa mode on .env (APP_ENV=qa)? it should have more info.

Could you please try running ./bin/console cache:clear after setting qa mode (may we are missing this command for qa mode to be applied, though I don’t think it should be needed, but lets try anyway)?


  • reload the page
  • try to login
  • check the api/graphql calls. It should have some more info

I am not in the ‘qa’ it is ‘prod’. Installed stuff with ‘composer install’, changed to ‘qa’ and restarted Apache. Trying to reload login page and again see nothing there (used both Chrome and FF). I even ran ‘composer update’ to get latest versions… :slight_smile:

I still do not see anything in /logs/qa but the response to the only graphql is the following

By the way… This forum does not let me reply more than 3 times and I have to wait for 3 hours!

Hi @vomus,

Sorry about having to wait.

I know what the problem is. You need to change the error_handling in php.ini. You can look at the following section of the install guide on how to do that.

Regarding replying 3 times: @samus-aran, do you know why that is.

Hey @clemente.raposo and @vomus
Yeah we have in the forums limits on how many topics, and replies a user can post within their first day on the forums. In this case I think @vomus you may have hit that being that you’re a new member (within past 24+). That limit should be lifted soon in the next few hours.

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It does not make any difference. The behaviour stays the same: in ‘prod’ mode I get ‘Error occured while fetching metadata’ right after login, and in ‘qa’ mode I get an empty page with the only graphql request with

	"0": {
		"debugMessage": "Notice: tempnam(): file created in the system's temporary directory",
		"message": "Internal server error",
		"extensions": {
			"category": "internal"
		"locations": [
				"line": 2,
				"column": 3

Hi @vomus,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

If the error_reporting doesn’t work, I’ll need to have a deeper look into it.

There is already an issue for this on github (adding at the end). My guess at the moment is that it might be an issue with some php8 setups. Are you using php 8?

We want to support php 8, thus this is something we need to look into.

Github issue:

Hi @vomus,

Hope you are doing well.

I’ve been looking deeper into this issue. I think I found the root cause.

I have added the details to the following Github issue. In case you are still have this issue please care to have a look at the following to see, it may help:

Seems to work. Thanks. For some reason I had files in cache/ owned by root, although I explicetly set ownership by

find . -exec chown apache2:apache2 {} ;

in html/ directory…


You must have done something afterwards that broke ownerships, typically something like:

  • logging into SSH and sudoing as root doing something
  • your SuiteCRM cron jobs running as root