With inline editing enabled, Case module update threads are unable to be collapsed and expanded. When you click on the icon to expand/collapse the update threads you are immediately directed to the home page.
This is an issue with SuiteCRM that we’re aware of, but thanks for highlighting it
You can resolve it at the moment by making this change:
If you navigate to the file /custom/Extension/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/cases_aop_case_updates.php
Look for the array in screenshot 1.
Somewhere in this array, enter the line ‘inline_edit’=>false,
So it becomes like the array in screenshot 2.
Run a Quick Repair & Rebuild in your CRM, Clear your browser cache, and you should be able to then Expand/Collapse Case updates.
Thanks for the workaround, John. I will get this resolved today.
Hope you guys are all doing well.