Importing emails automatically

Here’s my algorithm that should make Importing Group Emails Automatically, work again:

  1. get the From email address, and From name, from the email message.
  2. Is there a Contact record that is associated with this From email address?
    • Yes: set parent_type to Contacts, and parent_id to the ID of the Contact that is associated with this email address. We’re done.
    • No: Continue to the next step.
  3. Is there any Module record that is associated with this From email address?
    • Yes: set parent_type to the type of that Module record, and parent_id to the ID of that Module record that is associated with this email address.
    • No: Create a new Lead, set the Person’s name to the From name from this email message, associate a new Email address, associate it to this new Lead, and set parent_type to Leads and parent_id to the ID of this new Lead.
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