Image not getting called says image is not present in path

I have created a image field in users and added an image,

i am calling the image in the pdf template i have created, but the template where i am calling the field is empty or shows an X mark

can someone help me out.

The image does get stored in DB

What is your SuiteCRM version?

My suitecrm version is 7.11.18

That’s interesting. I cannot select Users module in the PDF Templates.

Also, users module has photo field; you can use that.

i tried to use it but no luck didn’t work sadly

Maybe it is not possible. I created image field and use it in PDF template. It is just showing me image name in the downloaded PDF. :page_facing_up:

It does work and has worked before i am facing this issue recently idk why , i saw a thread saying acne be a php 7 issue as well