Hi, I’m using Suitecrm v.7.2.1 and some icons are not displayed but replaced with a string. See attachment
Suitecrm version is 7.2.1; the same behavior both using English language than italian.
The icons are not displayed in list view also when I insert new records
May be there would be a file permission issues. Check the file permissions and ownership on the directories
I had already set the permission in document root::
- sudo chown -R <webserver user)
- sudo chmod -R 755 .
- sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Note that cache and upload folder are symbolic link
upload -> /data/suitecrm/upload/
cache -> /data/suitecrm/cache/
At the moment the beavhior is the same, the icons are not displayed
RE: Icons not displayed
What does the error log reveal?
Thank you,
I suggest inspect element via firebug and checkout image path and check does that are exist at path or not?