icons and images not showing

I am having difficulty trying to get the icons and images to show. Uninstalled and reinstalled the suite. I have run Quick repair and rebuild. Still nothing.
On each of the pages wherever there is to be an icon all you see a box with a ? inside it. Not one image or icon throughout the whole site including the login page. Yet you go to the image folders and there are tons of images.

Any suggestions?



Hi Brian,

Can you detail your setup and what version of SuiteCRM you are running? This may be related to permissions, so once we have established your setup(Server/Operating System and PHP/MySQL/MSSQL versions will also be of use) we can suggest permissions to set.



Thanks Will
these are the details
Permissions on the first tier all folders set to 755 except data which is 775
Mysql version is 5.5.37-cll
PHP version is 5.4.30
Apache version is 2.2.27
SuiteCRM version 7.1.2-max

Initially had trouble with the php not opening the zip files. The host fixed that and everything installed without a problem save the icons and images not showing

Forgot to mention it is a linux operating system

Hi there,

We would advise setting the following to 775:

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php



Thanks Will,

We ended up having to get a couple more modules added at the host. Finally were able to get it functioning properly.


Seebring and Will,

Thank you both for solving this issue. Would you be kind enough to include the exact fix(s) made in order to get the images to display. We’re having the same problem (images not displayed). SugerCRM forum suggests running a repair on the js files. That did not make a difference.

Others may also run into this problem.

Our server, permissions, and versions are the same as seebring’s.

Best regards,


Sorry for the delay.

With me the problem ended up being with the password on my data base.

My normal password was 29 chars and this was to large for suitecrm Had to cut down to 14.

In both cases I used letters, numbers and special characters.


One item I forgot to mention. After the first fix. I ran into another problem. Decided to do a re-install. Ran into the image problem again. It was this second time round (because they were not adding in other modules) my host isolated the problem and advised it was because of the password on this second go around.
