I want to duplicate "Assigned to" field with its functions

I noticed that the Assigned to field is linked to the My Accounts dashlet. I want to duplicate this if it’s possible but I can’t find its relationship with the dashlet in any of the files. If this can’t be duplicated, can someone point me out to the right file and code to see the mapping of a dashlet? I’m thinking of creating a custom field and using that as basis to what data My Accounts dashlet displays. Thank you!!!

Hey there

Have you found what you are looking for, by chance?

What exactly is it about the Assigned to field you would like to replicate?

As far as I am aware, you should be able to add a new Relate field to a Module via Admin->Studio->[Module]->Fields

Then, add this to the Dashlet Layouts via:
Admin->Studio->[Module]->SuiteCRM Dashlet

This would allow you to See & Filter on new fields, on the Dashlet

Unless there is something specific you would like to replicate?

If so, you might wish to have a look at the files:

I believe these files will be what builds the My Accounts dashlet
(Including the field mapping/view building)