I need to create custom fields

Hello, I want to congratulate this site, I learned a lot reading the posts.

I have a question.

I need to create custom fields by type of account

create new account
industry => school
in this case add one field of students number

create new account
industry => restaurant
in this case add one field of kind of service


You can add new fields by going to the admin section and then studio.

Sorry, my english is very bad

when i will create new account
and industry => restaurant
in this case add one field of kind of service, but not show field of students number (only show for schools industry)


Dynamic dropdown?

when i will create new account and Industry = “School” then show field “number of students”.

but if not the industry=“school” then hide the field “number of students”



An easy way to do this is with javascript. Just add some conditional logic based on the value of the industry field. You can import the js in the editviewdefs.

any example please