I downloaded 8.1.2 to install on SuiteCRM. No intall.php

Can someone point the problem?

To eliminate doubts, I downloaded v 7.12 ESR, and did the same extract. I got to install.php page.

Maybe you downloaded an upgrade package instead of a full install?

Or maybe you downloaded from Github instead of from the downloads site.



install.php is under public/legacy, but anyway that’s not what you’re supposed to run.

See this section

→ https://docs.suitecrm.com/8.x/admin/installation-guide/downloading-installing/#_3_1_option_1_installing_using_the_install_page

On the new UI you just point to your basic instance URL root, and it knows it’s not installed, and offers to install.


and this one shows up

403 - Forbidden

Access to this page is forbidden.

That’s probably the .htaccess issues? Web server configuration. See the instructions before the section that I linked you to

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Hello, I redid the extraction, this time, to crm.nxx.xx/public_html, without suitecrm subfolder.

Going to that site shows

Awesome Site in The Making

An amazing site is coming to this web address. Check back soon!

That’s it. Any ideas?

Your web server is getting its configuration from somewhere. This configuration is telling it which directories it should serve, and which is the root directory.

You need to make that match SuiteCRM’s public directory. Maybe try looking online for Apache or nginx (or whatever your web server is) documentation.

Then you need to get the .htaccess right in order to have a required redirect, as per the installation instructions.

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