How to use the created PDF templates

Hi All,

I think, I’m missing some obvious option/point here. I’ve created 8 templates using PDF templates and it all looks good. However i’m not able to find an option where I can use a specific template for the type i have created. For example, I have create a template with ‘Leads’ as type. But when I go to lead and try to create a quote, this comes with some other format and not what we have developed.

So, can someone help me out as how to choose a particular template while printing/creating invoice or quote or proposal?

Geeze. that is exactly what I am trying to figure out. I will see what is waiting for me.

Couple minutes later I found out why I couldn’t print a template out… and why the print to pdf in the menu didn’t work…
I didn’t make any! Once I made more than one template for any Selected Module a Dialogue would pop up and allow me to select the PDF template. Pretty slick. Still testing. You can see the pic for a little sense of how it works.

I will test them and hopefully I have a working system.