Hello all
I want to use logic hook (before_logout). how can i use it ? I want one confirmation box before logout i.e “you want to logout or not” if yes then “Logout” else “Not logout”.
Hello all
I want to use logic hook (before_logout). how can i use it ? I want one confirmation box before logout i.e “you want to logout or not” if yes then “Logout” else “Not logout”.
You add to the following file (create if it doesn’t exist and start with the <?php tag)
Add the following:
$hook_array['before_logout'] = Array();
$hook_array['before_logout'][] = Array(1, 'Logout Confirm box', 'custom/modules/Users/hook_functions.php','beforelogoutclass', 'beforelogoutmethod');
Add the file
With contents
class beforelogoutclass {
public static function beforelogoutmethod(&$bean, $event){
if ($event == 'before_logout'){
// do your stuff
In case you are packaging your change in a module, you’ll need this entry in manifest.php:
'logic_hooks' => array(
'module' => 'Users',
'hook' => 'before_logout',
'order' => 1,
'description' => 'Logout Confirm box',
'file' => 'custom/modules/Users/hook_functions.php',
'class' => 'beforelogoutclass',
'function' => 'beforelogoutmethod',
Thank you i will try to do that and let you know if face any issues.