How to Track / Manage Pending Document Reviews

Hi All

Having a tough time trying to figure out the most effective/simple way to track a document as part of the Sugar/SuiteCRM sales cycle.
Not sure if such a feature is built in or required 3rd party modules but any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Basically, once a lead converts to Opportunity we have to review the request internally to prepare a rough quote. ( for internal use )
The document review process should not take us more than 5-7 days and the main purpose of this tracking system would be to ensure requests/reviews are handled in a timely manner.

Ideally this would take place through a homepage widget/dashlet with a table displaying each “pending opportunity / review” and how many days its been since it was submitted for review.

Ideally it would be an actual timer ( Days passed since submission ) and / or color coded to reflect where an opportunity/proposal is in the 7 day review process or if its overdue ( past 7 days )

ie day 1-5 yellow
day 5-7 orange
anything after day 7 bright RED to show urgency. / late status.

This way an employee can instantly focus on tasks / opportunities that are late or overdue

Eventually will setup auto-email notifications to go out on day 6 & 7 but at this stage im just trying to find a simple way to make this process visual so opportunities don’t slip through the cracks or get forgotten.

What would this process be called in the CRM world? document management? document tracking?
Ive seen several options for managing external proposals ( to customers ) but this is more of an internal tracking mechanism to ensure we process a request in a timely manner.

would anyone have any suggestions/examples on how to effectively manage this internal process?
