How to send an email to a user, who is assigned to an Account in Opportunity module


When I create an Opportunity, I select an Account Name. I am looking a way to send an email to User, who assigned to that Account.

For example,

I have an Account: ABC Client, this account is assigned to “John”.

I am going to create an Opportunity, then I assign “ABC Client” account as the Account Name. When I save that Opportunity, I want to trigger two emails, one for the User who is assigned to that Opportunity. Another email to User who is assigned to “ABC Client” Account.

Can someone please explain how to do that?


You can do this via before/after save logic hook.
Or if you want to make the Opportunity saving faster, then you can use Workflow or Job Queue!!

These are 3 possibilities.
Workflow is for non-developers and other 2 can be implemented by any developer.
