I want to rename save button in opportunity module. To rename the button where I’ve to change the code…
please tell me…
I want to rename save button in opportunity module. To rename the button where I’ve to change the code…
please tell me…
Copy the file found at:
And Paste this file at:
If this file location does not exist, create it.
It will become:
In this newly pasted file, enter the following code above the ‘widths’ array: (See attached screenshot)
'form' =>
array (
'buttons' =>
array (
0 => array (
'customCode' => '<input id="SAVE_HEADER" class="button primary" type="submit" value="<YOUR VALUE>" name="button" onclick="var _form = document.getElementById(\'EditView\'); _form.action.value=\'Save\'; if(check_form(\'EditView\'))SUGAR.ajaxUI.submitForm(_form);return false;" accesskey="a" title="Save">'
1=> 'CANCEL',
Where i have entered ‘’, replace this with what you want to rename the save button to.
Do a Quick Repair & Rebuild in your CRM, Clear your browser’s Cache, CTRL+F5.
If you’ve followed these steps correctly, you should have a renamed save button!
thank you for your replay. it works.
I’ve one more question in buttons.
I’ve created one custom button i want to give action for that button.
when i clicked that button Lead stage dropdown value should change to next value.
Hello John,
Thank you for your code, it was a great help to me.
Is it possible to do it with subpanel buttons?
In my case I created SMS module to send text messages to Contacts, and Contacts module has SMS subpanel. When I click create and open Quick Create form I would like to change SAVE into SEND.