How to Pass IN condition in displayParams > initial_filter in

This is Old Code
‘name’ => ‘assigned_user_name’,
‘displayParams’ => array (
‘initial_filter’ => ‘&status = {$status_custom}’,


i want to Filter Users by their ID’s . so, how could i Apply IN filter in initial_filter ?

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Version :
Version 7.9.11
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

In Related Module’s Assign to Field. I want to show users which is accepted by service and i got that users list from other tables. how could i want to show only that users. i was found that code to do custom Query but i want to pass multiple ID in Query and check that ID like ’ &id IN (‘1’,‘2’,‘3’) ’ like that. how could i do this?

Hmm…I doubt you can reach that level of complexity from the vardefs…

You need to look for a place to customize that, not by defining arrays in vardefs, but by directly using beans in PHP and SQL queries.

So I would look into a custom view for the module where you need this.

Try this:

‘initial_filter’ => ‘{$initial_filter}’,

and, in the view.edit.php, put this code on the function display():

foreach($status_array as $key=>$value){