How to create a workflow for Invoice Line Items


Could someone please help me with how to create a workflow for an invoice line item? I can create for other fields, but is it possible to create for the line items fields?

Thank you

When creating your workflow select Invoice under WorkFlow Module.

Then select Line Items: Product Quotes under conditions and proceed as normal

Hi @BrozTechnologies,

Thank you for the response, and I have some questions before doing this.

I want to create an invoice in this process, also initially, there will be no values available regarding the line item if I want to create a new one. Where line items will not be available until I click the group name. Therefore if I select the "Line Items: Product Quotes under conditions " it gives me the line item-oriented fields, and how can I give a value for the line items value if there are no pre-recorded values available on the line item fields? and create the workflow.

How can I create an invoice without mentioning the values on those fields?

Then run your workflow every time you update your invoice. That way the conditions are meet only when you have information on line items

Hi @BrozTechnologies,

My apologies for my delayed response. I need to confirm is there any possible way of creating an invoice from the Account Status. For example; if I change the Account status to approved, and under that approved member I need to create an invoice including line items details. Moreover, I don’t have a separate module for the line items.

Please Advice

Thank you