How to Convert Target to Lead including all info?

Hello, how to convert Object to Lead including the Sub Panels activity and attachments?

version? What do you mean by object? You need to explain more…

Hello Renato,

unfortunately, this is not possible (but a good feature request, if you want to add it: 💡 Suggestion Box - SuiteCRM).

Since 8.7 the target conversion is working again on Suite8:

and all fields which exist in both modules (targets & leads) are being copied / converted.

Related records are not being ‘converted’ or related to the new record.

You can / would have to go into the related records now and update the related to info from the target to the new lead:

Via Workflows, it seems to b impossible though.

That requirement should basically be a standard feature of the CRM, just like the lead to contact/account:

System settings:

Conversion process (lead to contact/account):

One workaround is:
To convert earlier.

The concept is basically:
Targets did not have any contact with you, yet. (direct mailing campaign e.g.)
As soon as you get in touch / they get it touch, it’s a lead.
But it doesn’t always fit and the mentioned feature would be good to have)

If this won’t be considered as a standard feature to be implemented / merged, then it would be a good use case for a logic hook.

Hello Bastian, thanks!

Sorry for my English, I just start using the CRM, and in Italiano Language.
Not Object, the right word is Target.

Version 7.14.3
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Versione 344)

You can convert Targets to Leads in version 7.x (not version 8 its not developed yet) simply by converting the Target to a lead. However, the history does not follow.

You’d have to write an on save hook to do this, I do this quite often for custom relationships that have to copy over on convert from lead/contact, don’t often use Targets though, but the principal is the same. Are you a developer?

You might want to re-think your use of targets if you are storing a whole lot of info there. Basically, a target is “unknown” the minute you call them and get info, they are essentialy a lead because they have either been qualified or disqualified. So keeping a history with a target is not really best practise. The basic idea of a target is someone you market to via email, or a cold call list that hasn’t beend called yet. The minute one responds to an email and/or gets a cold call, they should become a lead (qualified) or stay a target (disqualified). If you use leads/targets as such you shouldn’t really need any activities attached to them that would follow to the lead.

Hello Stevens,
thanks for your reply.
I am not a Developer, I’m someone who is just starting to use SuiteCRM.
If I understand correctly, however the problem remains also in the conversion from Target to Contact.
But I do not understand how I have to do to make sure that information such as Activities, History, Events, … are also reported in the Lead.
Is it a complex thing for a developer?
Or do you think that if you explain it to me I can try?

Hey @Berny63 you cant convert from Target → Contact.

You can convert:
Target → Lead
Lead → contact, account, opportunity.

All the standard relationships are moved from the lead to the contact on conversion ie: history, activities, etc. Events should also copy over, not 100% on that one as I don’t use it that often, but probably they do too.

It’s a fairly easy task for a developer familiar with SuiteCRM and working with beans, to query the records related to the current bean and then copy them over to the lead. If you’re not a developer it would be quite a task and requires alot of specific SuiteCRM knowledge.