How to add or remove Quick Actions menu link

in 8.7 is there option to add or remove module quick action menu link without customising the template?

I don’t know if it is possible without customization. You can set particular module to legacy mode.

if it is to edit the template, how will we do it?

In suite 8, we can add/remove quick actions menu by changing the quick_actions.yaml file.
Copy config\services\ui\quick_actions.yaml in your extension folder at
extensions\defaultExt\config\services\ui\quick_actions.yaml which should have the configuration about the quick action menus.
Changed use_navigation_modules from true to false.

    max_number: 7
    use_navigation_modules: false
       name: create
       labelKey: LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT
       url: ./accounts/create
          return_module: Accounts
          return_action: index
       type: create
       module: accounts
       name: create
       labelKey: LNK_NEW_TASK
       url: ./tasks/create
       type: create
       module: tasks
       name: create
       labelKey: LNK_NEW_CONTACT
       url: ./contacts/create
       type: create
       module: contacts

Run php bin/console cache:clear
and reload the application

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