How set tow-factor email Template

Hi @all

We have a little problem. We want to activate the Two-Factor authentication function for the users.
If I activate the checkbox, the following message appears above.

Template for two-factor e-mail is not set, please adjust settings on the password management page.	

I found the template and assigned it to me.
But unfortunately I only see the above message.

I must still mention that my test user is Admin and we have the SugarCRM Version 7.10.11.

Many thanks for the help

You can checkout this guide to setup TWO factor feature.

In the email template you should use $code variable to include Authentication code within the template.

Two Factor Authentication code is $code.

Also don’t forget to attach you email template from Password Management page.



Many thanks for your answer.

That’s the point I don’t understand. Where on the password page do I assign the template?
I can’t assign anything anywhere…

It has nothing to do with SAML authentication, does it?


You are on a wrong page.

Try this URL


There is a Template Assignment section within this page. We can do it by this section.

Thanks for your answer.

I check your URL but this ist our PasswordManager Side.

Its very mysterious.

Its the german Language a problem? I think the URL is the same…



I found the email template function on old CRM and on print screens in forum entries that are 2 - 4 years old.
Is it possible that this function is in a different location with CMR version 7.10.11 (Sugar version 6.5.25 (Build 344))?

Printscreen fom Google about old Sugar CRM Passwort managers:


I found the solution.
We activated LDAP, then the three Emailtemplate settings are NOT visible.
Only if I deactivate LDAP I see the fields.

The function only works without LDAP login.

Thanks for the help.

You are welcome. The solution was at the same page. Thanks