How can i implement a logic hook

It works but after that i found that it fires whenever he find


Whereas in my example I want it to trigger only when status changes

“x” status to “Validated”

Here is an example:


The variable has before value:


You can change the code in the following way

if ($bean->status == 'validated' && $bean->fetched_row->status <> $bean->status)
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@p.konetskiy I changed my code.
In this example it is triggered even if I modify the date and not the status :

Please, show your code.

@p.konetskiy This is my logic hooks:
// Do not store anything in this file that is not part of the array or the hook version. This file will
// be automatically rebuilt in the future.
$hook_version = 1;
$hook_array = Array();
// position, file, function
$hook_array[‘after_save’] = Array();
$hook_array[‘after_save’][] = Array(1, ‘status invoices Changes’, ‘custom/modules/AOS_Invoices/statusChange.php’,‘statusChange’, ‘statusInvoicesChanges’);
my class :
class statusChange {
public function statusInvoicesChanges ($bean, $event, $arguments) {
// addition line:
$GLOBALS[‘log’]-> debug(get_class()." “. FUNCTION.” Status:\n ".print_r($bean->status,true));
if ($bean->status == ‘Validated’ && $bean->fetched_row->status <> $bean->status){
$GLOBALS[‘log’]-> debug(“Status has been changed”);

I am sorry. I forgot that ‘fetched_row’ is array but not object. Please, change:

  • from:
  • to:
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@p.konetskiy It works thanks.
I am moving forward in the work and needs can be change

How can i get ID of the invoice processed with my logic hook ?

you should set up your IDE so that you’r able to debug your code, it will definitely help you a lot (and you’re probably looking for $bean->id).


There is a value in variable:


You can show all information about object but I recommend switch log level from ‘debug’ to 'fatal:

$GLOBALS[‘log’]->fatal(get_class()." “. FUNCTION.” Status:\n ".print_r($bean,true));

Look at documentation:

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Hi i want my logic hook fires when status =“paid” AND when date of payment change like this example :

So i did this and nothing happen

if($bean->status == ‘Paid’ && $bean->date_payment_c <> $bean->fetched_row[‘date_payment_c’]){}

what i’m missing ?

Now I sure that you know how to see values of variables in log file. You should print to log the variables and analyse.

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@p.konetskiy! Thanks i found the solution