Hiding field created by module builder

hello I want to create a simple module
I used the module builder and choosen the basic model

when it is created I have automatically some field that i don’t need like afield cald NAME
I can’t supress it or will it be a key

can i hide it and would i have any trouble ?

this field could be usefull for me if it was a flexrelate field and i can’t change the type.

you have hide it from display, in the edit/list/detail views and then add your Flex Relate field to be displayed at its position.

Once any custom module is created in SuiteCRM, it’ll automatically create Name, Description, Created Time and Modified Time by Default.

If you don’t want a Name or Description field then you can disable it from Studio & it doesn’t create any trouble.

For Disable, Go To Admin->Studio->Select Custom Module->Layouts->Select Layout from which you want to disable->Select Name or Description field and Drag & Drop to Sidebar->Click on Save and Deploy.

I hope it will help you

thank you all for your answer
Take care of you in this trouble time

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