I am installing Suite CRM for the first time on my system. I am stuck on the changing permission step of the installation instructions. I am not very familiar with command line at all and am very new to using it. I ran the commands as suggested on my terminal in WHM. I changed the www-data to apache since I am running Linux/Apache. But the commands do nothing at all or say No such file or directory. Do I need to navigate to a certain directory first? Am I using the wrong syntax? (there are two options for Linux/Apache in the documentation but it doesn’t specify when to use which.) Can someone please help me with step by step instructions on how to complete this step?
If you are using a hosted VPS you can just use the File Manager from cpanel to modify file permissions. Do not need to use console for that, unless is really necessary. You might or might not have user www-data on your server. It all depends on how the hosting company created the setup.
Thank you so much for the response. I do have access to cpanel so I can use the file manager from there. Do I just change the permissions for all the files in the Suite CRM directory to 755? The installation documentation specifics “cache custom modules themes data upload” and “config_override.php” so I’m not sure if I need to change just these or all files in the directory. Sorry if this is an obvious question, as I said I’m somewhat new to this.
You should apply :
755 to all files (then come back and apply…)
775 to cache custom modules themes data upload
775 config_override.php
Copied from here: