What is the best resource to get some help with suite crm? We need to understand it better for example. If we already have many accounts in our current crm and we are going to import then into suite crm== what is the best way to import the account/contact/notes from the other crm
as it appears now that we can only import accounts and not contacts at the same time— or notes at the same time
is that right? in other words— we want to be able to import accounts and the associated contacts with the accounts from the current crm into suite crm
and going forward== if we want to make calls to the accounts— do we just create a target list?
also where is the icon for the call? so what is the best way to schedule a call to certain contacts or accounts/ IF they are already in the crm
and if they are not in the crm-- and we want to bring them in to the crm as contacts/accounts and at the same time —should be first import them as a “lead”
and then convert them? so are leads–companies and contacts?
There are lots of questions here. There are tons of tutorials on Youtube about how to create/convert contacts and how to schedule and complete call reports. That would be a good place to start. In terms of “Target List” I think maybe your not understanding the workflow.
A TARGET is just an email address and a name. Maybe you send them email campaigns. Once someone responds to an email campaign or fills out a web form, they become a LEAD and you need to convert. Leads can have call reports,etc. attached.
Now maybe the lead has timeframe and budget for your product or service. The lead should be converted to an OPPORTUNITY. The conversion process creates and OPPORTUNITY plus an ACCOUNT and CONTACT. All are linked together and you can have multiple contacts per account. You can also choose that all the call reports,etc. get moved to the contact or the opportunity.
Regarding importing, you import all these things separately. Here is the order you need to import:
Order of import:
Users (first)
The order is important because Accounts for example are going to be assigned to users. You need to import the users first. Leads may be converted to accounts, so you have to import them after accounts, etc. Documents, tasks, attachments come last because they are going to be related to leads/contacts/opps, etc.
It’s really sounding like you might want to hire someone to do this for you. If you don’t know what you’re doing it can be a mess.
Thank you so much
its a train wreck i found someone on upwork to do this and its been a nightmare
for example we do not know how to even get calls and sms working correctly
what or who do you recommend to ensure how the cron and schedulers are set up correct
It’s pretty easy if you have cpanel hosting. Just look it up on Youtube there are lots of tutorials on how to install/setup cron for Suitecrm. Basically in Cpanel just add a job and cut and paste in the url from the scheduler page in Admin. The only complication is the path to your installation. This changes with your hosting provider, but generally it gives an example in cpanel that includes the path. The other thing to think about is make sure you’ve allocated enough PHP memory so your cron job doesn’t run out of memory.
we are hosting in the clound amazon web server
do you mean ssh?
You can do it via SSH as well. It’s just a little harder. Lots of tutorials on add cron jobs via SSH on Youtube.
Thanks for the tip, but I have to write in disagreement… I never understood why people would use or recommend external cron services. How is that simpler, instead of getting your computer to run a command, you sign up to a server on the Internet to call that command for you from across the globe?
I believe there are basic sysadmin skills you need to have. Getting cron jobs operational is definitely one of them. Meanwhile, you might have to gain some insight into your permissions scheme, which user your web server is running under… but that’s a good thing! If you skip these things, you will simply run into problems later, or create huge security gaps.
crontab isn’t very complicated. Check out the link
Excellent Guide Here
Hope this helps
also agree with pgr completely. If you have shell access and sudo permissions, there is no point in using an external service to cron