having serious issues fetching email to create cases...

Since my update to 7.8.6 LTS my accounts (to create cases) are not fetched properly, the system only get the 2 first accounts…
so I am looking everywhere…

One thing I noticed is that the modules/schedulers in a brand new instance have 12 files/dir in it.
I checked on github and the same number of objects…

My installation have 24 objects…

Since this is the Sceduler, I do not see why I would have that many files in the directory…
may be I am carrying old stuff from Sugar 5.x era, some files are dated 2012…

Should I replace the files in this directory?

this is my production directory:

Here is info from github:

Here is info from a new clean install:

You can try Admin / Repair schedulers to begin.

And the list from that screen (Admin / Schedulers), does it look like what you see in a fresh install?

Do you have any custom schedulers?

Anyway you can always try temporarily removing those extra files, rebuilding schedulers, and seeing if it breaks anything…