Have you tried upgrade with Dashboard Manager module installed?

Hi, have you ever tried to upgrade a Sugar CE 6.5.15 istance to a SuiteCRM 7.2 with Dashboard Manager moduled installed?

Here you can find the module: http://www.sugarforge.org/projects/dashboardmanage
“It allows administrators to set up dashboard templates for users”

I found the module it’s not working anymore

Hi there,

This module is not built for CE/open source versions of SugarCRM, only master license/subscription versions such as professional/enterprise/ultimate.



Yes, you’re right Will. Thank you for pointing it out.

Do you know any solution to allow an administrators to set up the homepage (dashlets) for users?

Hi there,

I’m not aware of any plugins that do this for CE/SuiteCRM, although it would be a nice feature! Nice to see a long time SalesAgility community/Open Sales user on the SuiteCRM forums!



I’m having a similar issue with the Dashboard Manager plugin. Exisitng users assigned Dashboards seem to work fine. I’m only having problems with newly created users after the Upgrade is done from CE to SuiteCRM 7.1. Is anyone else out there experiencing this and willing to help track down a fix for this?