Group email does not show up in some users

Hi There,

I am new user of suiteCRM. My version is Version 7.11.9Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344). I am trying to setup the inbound group email. Here are the problem I am experiencing;

  1. in group inbound email creating, there is no place to assign the specific group to the created inbound email. So please confirm if the group inbound email is created for all groups?

  2. some of user within the group can see the group email and some can not. No specific logic behind the issue. Please help to investigate.

can provide more detail info on request.


Jian Xu

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

I don’t know what you are calling “group” here, is it Security Groups?

But the word “group” in “group inbound email” does not refer to that. It is simply to say that an email account can be used by more than one user. When configuring each user’s Profile, in Email Settings, Inbound, you should be able to see that account.