Group and Holding with more then one Company

Hello my Problem is.

-I have some company’s with more then on location
-The Holding/Group has some Company’s

Now I want see at all sheets the different Company’s and Locations from all.
I can say this is the Mother but I don’t see in the child’s.

I need a way to have a Marker for the group and then a list of all company’s at the sheet.

Did anyone have a way?

I think that you want to use the field Member of within accounts.

You can select a company to which another company belongs in the EditView.

Otherwise in the DetailView you can bot see Member Organisazions as well as add new member organisations of a company.

Hello amariussi

yes this way atm in use.

But you can handel only 2 Company’s

I want See all in the sheet.

You have

  1. Headquater
  2. Europe
  3. Germany
  4. Germany 2
  5. Fab 1
  6. Fab 2

Now all that i want see in the sheet of every Company

Over the Point Member of i cant see more then one other Company.

I hope you understand what you meen.

I am not sure I understand what yuo are trying to say.

I have no problem in entering several member companies from the detail view:

I have take this picture from the SuiteCRM demo available at:

I went to the detail view of the first company available (ROSE’S GROCERY STORE), then went to Member organisations, pressed on the down arrow on the right side of the Create button then pressed on select and picked a few random companies.