Googlemaps geocoding cron marked as executed but doesnt geocode anything

The 301 error is cause due to the fact he’s trying to access to this :

instead of this :

So ofc the link doesnt work, and he redirect to the login page.

Its correctly saved in the schedulers table :

So I dont know from where it come.

This is a value you create in a custom Scheduler, right? So you can check if it is correctly saved in the database, in the schedulers table.

Then check how it reaches this point in the code where it seems to be used:

I’ve already looked into the table, its saved well…

Ofc I can debug the SchedulersJob.php, will try to log the $exJob value !

Any solution for the 301 problem until now. I run into the same trouble. I´ve checked the database, URL looks fine. But if i check the log it shows something different. If i start the job by direct link it worked well, but is doing only 100 addresses at one time.

Just an update. To solve the problem at now i used Easycron to fire the URL every 10 minutes. Works for me at now. But i hope it will be solved in the future.

I had to do the same, use another CRON tool cause the one in the CRM doesnt worked…

I think we have to open a github issue about this.

Just to know, where are you living ? Its maybe an encode issue …

Hi, i am from Germany but setup the system for my colleagues at France.

Im from France too… Maybe a hint about how to fix this. Pretty sure its an encode issue.

I ill check this: Change SchedulersJob.php.

But it is only a quick and dirty solution. Of course the general problem need to be solved.

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