Google SMTP using OAuth2 since september 30 will be deprecated the less secure app function

Less secure apps no longer work. You have to use an app password instead.

Sorry, that’s what I meant. I was trying to connect my SMTP account using an app password and the log is saying “SMTP could not authenticate” so I assumed that the feature was already disabled.

You must have the wrong password or you copied it witha space or something. It still works. Keep trying.

I have gmail account and enabled IMAP too. But, I do not see App Passwords option in my gmail security tab.

What am I missing here? How to setup outgoing gmail in the SuiteCRM?

Is there any way to use Google Gmail account as Inbound/Bounce email account?

@rsp Yes absolutely. Thats what I do.

But I do not see any option to set up App Passwords in the google security tab?

Where can I find it/?

@rsp Please consult the google documentation:
Como criar senhas de app  |  Google Workspace Knowledge Center

(note you have to have 2 step enable to be able to see this option)

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Yes, 2FA is enabled for me.

But I don’t see any option App passwords like you.

I found same question on google forum

@pstevens even IMAP is enabled

Server config are:

Mail server address:
Protocol: IMAP
Mail Server Port: 993
Use SSL: :white_check_mark:
User Name: gmail address
Password: gmail password

App passwords are not in Gmail, and are not specifically for gmail. They are for access to your Google Account. You’ll find them in your Google Account settings. If you click on the link in the instructions I provided in your other post, it takes you right there.

Yes, it is under google account → Security → 2-Step Verification

I set up App Password and I got 16 char long password but when I am trying in my dev system. I am getting below error

An Imap error detected: “Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)”

Edit: finally it is displaying folders;

Thank you so much! :eyes: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: