Google Maps Cron Job Not Working?

Hey all, I have two installs one SutieCRM 7 and one SuiteCRM 8.

I had my google maps job running on the V7 for years. It seems at some point it stopped working. It doesn’t seem to work on another V8 install either. They are two different servers as well. My first question is “is it only me?” Does someone else have a working google maps cron job?

Second question is maybe I’ve configured wrong? I followed the docs and it still doesn’t seem to work. HOWEVER, if i click on the in the Geocoded Counts screen in admin, it does in fact work without issue. So it’s not a Google key issue.

Any suggestions?
(note I only have it every 1 minute because I’m testing)

Oh and I should also mentioned that there is nothing valuable in the logs other than it failed.

When things don’t work in cron but work when called from the UI (if i understood you correctly) I would suggest looking for differences in the two PHP environments (CLI versus Web server) and their respective php.ini’s.

Can you try this fix
In the file modules/SchedulersJobs/SchedulersJob.php

Add this line

Thanks @abuzarfaris, going to try that right now.

As a work around I just created a cron job like this in cpanel:

curl -s ""

And that does work.

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Ok I tried @abuzarfaris suggestion that doesn’t seem to work. I also tried this:

That doesn’t work either.

I outputted the constructed URL to log and it doesn’t contain the domain name.

----->SchedulersJob firing URL job: ./index.php?module=jjwg_Maps&entryPoint=jjwg_Maps&cron=1

So, I put the domain name in the job, and it runs with success, HOWEVER, it does not actually update any Geocoding and finishes without error!

Ok so in SuiteCRM 7 entering the FULL URL in the job


It shows success, and actually updates the geocoding.

In SuiteCRM 8, it shows success but does not update geocoding!!!