Flex Relate audit not working

Recently I’ve realized that all my flex relate fields in various modules are not auditing. In studio there is an option to audit the field that is checked but the field won’t show up in the audit. I cannot test this on the demo because I can’t add a flex relate to a module that has auditing enabled but I installed a clean version of Suite 7.9 and am still getting the same problem.

I haven’t been able to find anything here or on github about it, but it seems this would be something someone would have made some noise about already. Can anyone confirm that their flex relate fields are auditing or not?

You can try it on this demo which allows Admin access:


It is 7.10.11, which is a nice way for you to try if this has been fixed meanwhile.

Another direction for exploration is to track entries in both your logs at the moment you edit the records and the field audits don’t succeed.

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Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be working on the admin demo. Relate fields work just fine though. I’ll do some more testing tomorrow to make sure and create a bug report if I can figure out what’s going on.

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