Export big amount of data

Hello to all:
Version 7.9.9

Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Version 344)

I have a problem when i extract large amount of data in csv. After 3 or 4 sec the page goes blanck and nothing happens. suitecrm.log is clean, adn the php error too. Is there a way to fix it?

I could imagine settings like max. timeout or max. execution time could be the cause. Did you tweak those settings already?

in the php ini the max execution time is set to 0, i have to edit something else?

It’s better to check your effective settings in Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo, instead of php.ini (often people change the wrong php.ini or forget to restart web server)

Another setting to check would be memory_limit

It’s strange that you don’t have messages in the log defined in the error_log entry in php.ini

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