I try to migtrate from SugarCrm to suiteCRM, but having problem as i’m getting a lots of warnnings during instalations, but at the end instalation was made till end, but when I want to access, it give me only warnnings
You should suppress warnings/noticess in your php.ini so that during installation/use of the CRM these will not be an issue. You should only be worried about fatal errors.
je my IT support found out that we have to disable warnings. But I have another issue.
When I want to add new filed in task or any other module i get an error:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/figurams/sugar/modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.modulefield.php on line 154
{“east”:{“title”:“Edit Field”,“crumb”:"",“content”:"
How can I solved this error?
best regards
p.s. I have been using SugarCRM, but decide to switch to SuiteCRM, because good solutions you provide. (outlook connecton, Joomla connector)
is it possible that this error is related to the fact that we run PHP ver 5.4 on our server…?
best regards
ps. this is report from upgrade wizard:
Minimum PHP Version Unsupported PHP Version Installed: ( ver 5.4.33 )
XML Parsing OK
cURL Module OK
MBStrings Module OK
IMAP Module OK
PHP Setting: Safe Mode OK
PHP Setting: Call Time Pass By Reference OK
PHP Setting: Memory Limit OK (Unlimited)
Zip Support OK
PCRE Version OK