Error when trying to add dashlet / add dashlet and other buttons doesn't work.

Hey everyone,

I installed SuiteCRM at local and im having some problems with the application.

When i try to add a Dashlet, the button doesn’t work and this error is shown in the console:

retrievePage.js:46 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘showDashletsDialog’ of undefined
at HTMLDivElement. (retrievePage.js:46)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:3)
at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:3)
at Object.trigger (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:3)
at HTMLDivElement. (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:3)
at Function.each (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:2)
at n.fn.init.each (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:2)
at n.fn.init.trigger (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:3)
at (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:12)
at HTMLDivElement. (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=okTCorU_Z_kFUBFtjH6cTg:12)

Beside this, i can’t edit or do anything with the default dashlets and when i create a new tab, it shows this:

Notice: Undefined index: server_unique_key in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MySugar\retrieve_dash_page.php on line 307

Any ideas on how to fix it? Please, let me know.

Thanks in advance and sorry if my english is not so good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Check if this fix applies to your version:

