Error trying to enter Relationships in Studio for the Users Module

This only seems to happen in the ‘Users’ module in Studio. I get this every time I click on ‘Relationships’ in the form of a pop-up window:

And I cannot renter that area of Studio. I can enter and edit relationships for all other modules it seems without issue, and I can access Fields and Labels for Users as well. It is just Relationships under Users


This is the code in question

488	//load subpanel module's table name and column fields.
489	function load_module_info ()
490	{
491		global $beanList ;
492		global $beanFiles ;
494		$module_name = $this->get_module_name () ;
495		if (! empty ( $module_name ))
496		{
498			$bean_name = $beanList [ $this->get_module_name () ] ;
500			$this->bean_name = $bean_name ;
502			include_once ($beanFiles [ $bean_name ]) ;
503			$this->template_instance = new $bean_name ( ) ;
504			$this->template_instance->force_load_details = true ;
505			$this->table_name = $this->template_instance->table_name ;