Error saving Opportunity bean

In SuiteCRM 7.1.4 ,I have code that updates the Opportunity bean that was working and suddenly stopped working.
At first I thought the problem was in the data I was providing for the update.
Then, I commented out the section that provided the new data and just saved back the bean I had retrieved, and I got the same error.
The SugarCRM error log shows the SQL contains a value at the end of the Update statement of: ,=NULL

Here’s the full log error message:

Tue Nov 4 07:27:06 2014 [2191][b644b41e-8804-ff9e-7022-544a4eca6c4f][FATAL] Error updating table: opportunities: Query Failed:

UPDATE opportunities
SET name=‘cascru20141101656’
,date_modified=‘2014-11-04 13:27:04’
,description=‘Just spent too much money’
WHERE = ‘a7af6325-52d4-dd02-f6cf-54556662bdc8’ AND deleted=0

: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘=NULL
WHERE = ‘a7af6325-52d4-dd02-f6cf-54556662bdc8’ AND’ at line 2

Here’s the pertinent section of code:

        // Get Hot Lead (Opportunity) bean
        $hotlead = BeanFactory::newBean('Opportunities');
        // $hotlead->retrieve($_GET['id']);
	$firephp->log($hotlead->id, 'Retrieved Hot Lead ID');
	// Get lead corresponding to this opportunity (Hot Lead)
	$lead = BeanFactory::getBean('Leads')->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('opportunity_id'=>$opp_id)); 
	$lead_id = $lead->id;
	$firephp->log($lead_id,'Lead ID for the Opportunity');
	// Update sales stage
	// $hotlead->sales_stage="Claimed";
	// $hotlead->claimed_by_c=$user_name;

Any idea what’s going on here?


have you tried a quick repair & rebuild and executing any changes found in the db?

have you added any custom fields to opportunities then deleted them? if so there may still be reference to it in ‘{Suite}/custom/Extension/modules/Opportunities/Ext/Vardefs’ remove it and do a quick repair and rebuild

I see what looks like the culprit.
In Studio in the Fields list for Opportunities, there is a field named “null”.
I have no idea where it came from.
It is not designated a custom field, so I can’t delete it in the Studio.

Any idea how to delete this?



For the benefit of others, I resolved the null field problem with the information at this link: