Error on installation of suiteCRM on WAMPSERVER

Good morning guys,

I really apreciate the time you take to help me with this issue. Well I try to install the SuiteCRM-7.2.2 MAX version on a WAMP server (The wamp server comes with PHP 5.5 and MYSQL 5.6.17). From the begining i get errors in the installation:

If you take a look in the behind appears errors like these:

I continue with the installation and I saw that Sugar create the tables an the schemas on MySQL:

But when I try to join to the CRM I continue looking the same errors that in the begining of the installation:

I really appreciate. Your help. Thank and Regards.


Your images haven’t attached but I assume you’re seeing PHP error notices, warnings e.t.c.

You generally don’t want to display errors and notices on live SuiteCRM instances.

This can be turned off by setting display_errors to off in your php.ini file (the location of this depends on your OS/Host, not sure about WAMP).

You can also, alternatively, set this in a .htaccess file.

More information can be found here:


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Ty for the quick reply I Attach the images in this reply. I can saw the images on my browser. I will change that configuration and looks what happends.

Jim ty so much, I disable the display errors on the php.ini file and work perfectly.