Error in suitecrm8: editviewdefs.php is missing

Search for the word header, that’s the PHP command to send a raw header redirecting the browser.

I wish this PR would be merged and I would stop wasting my time going in circles trying to get people to figure out how to get a simple stack trace

This is my biggest frustration with the SuiteCRM project (and I have several ongoing frustrations with it… sigh)

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I added, as suggested, the instructions in config_override, but other than the warnings about the deprecated ones, there are no errors.

However I understood part of the problem, I managed to enable the creation of the record by modifying the module’s Menu file.

The problem is this statement:

$record = $_REQUEST['record'];
$module = $_REQUEST['module'];
if(ACLController::checkAccess("$module", 'edit', true))
$module_menu[]=Array("index.php?module=$module&action=EditView&return_module=$module&return_action=DetailView", $mod_strings['LNK_NEW_RECORD' ],"Create$module", "$module");

if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'DetailView')
$module_menu[]=Array("index.php?module=$module&action=RunReport&record=$record&return_module=$module&return_action=DetailView&return_record=$record", $mod_strings['LNK_RUN_REPORT'],$module, $module);

the $_REQUEST statement contains these entries:

     [action] => LogView
     [module] => Configurator
     [doaction] => all
     [filter] =>

so both module and record are missing, as for $module I replaced it with the module name, but I can’t recover the record ID. Maybe the $_REQUEST statement has changed in suitecrm8, I tried to use $_SESSION, but I can’t recover it either.