Error In studio

Hello i need help, actually i am trying to build pwa for suitecrm 7. after adding the manifest.json file. i am facing error in studio module.

All those undefineds are typical of problems in the ownerships/permissions on the file system.

@pgr Sir, I am using it in Linux, how to give the permission so that the undefined error is resolved.

There are a thousand answers to your question… it depends on which Linux you are running, and how it is configured.

This is not really a SuiteCRM issue, it’s a Linux issue, but still, there are many (many!) posts in these forums with similar issues. Search and you will find.

@pgr i am trying to add the company logo through admin, but i am failed to upload the company logo, give me the solution how i use the previous logo. i am using it in the Linux server.

@pgr sir, kindly give me the solutions.

I am not going to work for you, for free, when you are not convincing me that you are doing your own work. The things you are asking are already answered hundreds of times in the forums. And your questions don’t show any work on your part. This answer here from me has taken me longer to write than your 3 last questions put together.

Sorry :man_shrugging:

Set the following permissions on the SuiteCRM directory(Linux):

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

If you’re trying to add company logo to login page of your CRM.

Admin->System Settings-> Current Logo:

Select file.