Error importing.

Running a fresh install of SuiteCRM. On every import I get the follow error messages

NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: Import on line 250 in file /var/www/html/suite/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: Import on line 250 in file /var/www/html/suite/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: Import on line 250 in file /var/www/html/suite/modules

I’ve set the permissions on the /var/www/html/suitecrm/upload directory to 777. The same with the modules directory.

Also if during the import one or some of the records aren’t imported for some reason I don’t get that notice. That file does appear in the import folder.

Any tips would be appreciated.
Thank you

Hi Guys,

I’m also getting the same error on a New Installation I’m working on…

Below is a quick dump from the sugar log

Any thoughts…



Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.024902105331421
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::inherit() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::assign_default_groups() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::retrieveDefaultGroups() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SecuritySuite: Retrieve Default Groups: select,, securitygroups_default.module, securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id from securitygroups_default inner join securitygroups on securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id = where securitygroups_default.deleted = 0 and securitygroups.deleted = 0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query:select,, securitygroups_default.module, securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id from securitygroups_default inner join securitygroups on securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id = where securitygroups_default.deleted = 0 and securitygroups.deleted = 0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00018501281738281
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::inherit_assigned() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SecuritySuite: Get SecuritySuite Enabled Modules: SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query:SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00038790702819824
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::inherit_parent() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SecuritySuite: Get SecuritySuite Enabled Modules: SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query:SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00037097930908203
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SecurityGroup::inherit_creator() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SecuritySuite: Get SecuritySuite Enabled Modules: SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query:SELECT lhs_module, rhs_module FROM relationships WHERE deleted=0 AND (lhs_module = ‘SecurityGroups’ OR rhs_module=‘SecurityGroups’)
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00037121772766113
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] Hook called: Import::after_save
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class AOD_LogicHooks without parameters
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] get_full_list: order_by = ‘’ and where = ‘’
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method ACLController::requireOwner() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method ACLController::requireSecurityGroup() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SugarBean[AOD_Index].load_relationships, Loading relationship (modified_user_link).
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SugarBean[AOD_Index].load_relationships, Loading relationship (created_by_link).
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] SugarBean[AOD_Index].load_relationships, Loading relationship (assigned_user_link).
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: query is SELECT aod_index.* , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner , ‘Users’ assigned_user_name_mod FROM aod_index LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

AND jt1.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

AND jt2.deleted=0 where aod_index.deleted=0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query: SELECT aod_index.* , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner , ‘Users’ created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner , ‘Users’ assigned_user_name_mod FROM aod_index LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

AND jt1.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

AND jt2.deleted=0 where aod_index.deleted=0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00027799606323242
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: result is mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 20
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 1
[type] => 0

Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): id = a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): name = Index
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): date_entered = 2014-07-07 13:20:24
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): date_modified = 2014-07-07 13:20:24
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): modified_user_id = 1
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): created_by = 1
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): deleted = 0
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] process_full_list: AOD_Index(a294b1b7-1362-78fe-cd94-53ba9e1d54d0): location = modules/AOD_Index/Index/Index
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] Hook called: AOD_Index::process_record
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][FATAL] Caught error: Undefined index: Import
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class AssignGroups without parameters
Wed Aug 13 02:30:27 2014 [31144][cd5dac5f-16b9-da38-14fc-53ea7540275e][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class AOW_WorkFlow without parameters

Hi there,

To address the import issue, navigate to modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php and change the following code:

$bean_name = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$module];
        return false;


        return false;
    $bean_name = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$module];



1 Like

Will, you are a Star as always :slight_smile:


Scottr, Sorry I pinched your thread but this does resolve the Undefined index: Import on line 250 errors.

No worries. It worked. Thank you both!


I have version 7.1.4 installed, the part of the code from this solution looks ok, but still I’m getting this error on every import.

Would appreciate if someone can help with this.


Hi there,

Did you upgrade from a previous version? Ensure you have run a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair and that the permissions are set correctly.

Can you provide a screen shot of the error?



Hi Ian,

its not an upgrade, its a clean install (following official installation instructions). Have tried repair utility already, permissions are set to 777 recursively. Error I’m getting is the same as Matt has posted few posts ago.

I am very disappointed over suitecrm since I am constantly experiencing problems with it. Ive tried all available version and none seems to work properly. Maybe I should consider to give up on suitecrm and find a better solution for cr management…

I haven’t fixed the issue but because of other deadline this has had to wait but it happens with all imports…

Hi guys,

I’ll discuss this with the team member who developed the AOD part of SuiteCRM. If you are experiencing critical issues, you can try disabling AOD temporarily in Admin -> AOD Settings and try to run the import, although you may still run into import issues.



I have tried all described work around and still have this issue as well (even on 7.2.2) Any solution coming soon?


If i disabled the AOD settings,import is working fine.

Thanks & Regards,
Manasa Munnaluri.

Honestly, I dont remember how we fixed this problem.

Currently, we are running on v7.4.1 with AOD disabled and everything seems to be stable. Users also somehow learned how to use Suite to avoid problems. Its a dirty workaround though…