ERROR: "Getting a message "error occurred while retrieving records"

My website is running on a shared host at Bluehost.

Therefore, I used Softaculous installer to install SuiteCRM V. 8.6.1, 7.14.4 with a release date of 10/06/2024 (not sure how that’s possible since it hasn’t arrived yet yet).

The install resolves to SuiteCRM

The error and problem I’m having is “error occurred while retrieving records”.

I see this error upon login.

I see this error while trying to create some records.

For instance, when I try to create a Target record, I see this record, and when saving the record is lost. I have tried entering information in 3 fields, saving manually and the record is lost.

I have tried to login as another user other than admin, and still same problem.

My work around had been ignoring the Target option, and going staight to Account/Contact. But that’s not very helpful in how the system handles activities and reporting, etc.

I tried upgrading my PHP on the server from 7.4 to 8.3, as I read in another thread that solved the problem. It didn’t help me, in fact, it broke everything and now I can’t even get to the install, so I had to have the hosting provider roll back to PHP 7.4.

Am I better just deleting this install completely, and starting off with another version of SuiteCRM?

Which is more stable.

I’m limited to what I can do because I’m on a shared hosting provider with my website and my Moodle install as well. For instance, I can’t just manhandle the PHP, reboot the server and/or restart services.

I’m seriously considering going with Monday after all these problems.

I used to use SugarCRM Community Edition, and I don’t remember having any of these issues.

  • Compatibility matrix for 8.x versions.

release date of 10/06/2024 (not sure how that’s possible since it hasn’t arrived yet yet).

They wrote the date in British UK format - since the company behind Suite CRM is in the UK.

Date and time notation in the United Kingdom records the date using the day–month–year format (10 June 2024, 10/06/24 or 10/06/2024).

How are these conversions not built in? Will I have issues with dates within the CRM package once/if I get it working?

The install through Softaculous shows a date of “Release Date: 10-06-2024”

Will dates and times ever be translated to local time zones?

Softaculous is showing the Release Date in UK format, that’s their bug and should be reported on their bug report forum here, they are the one who should have their software display the date in the format mm-dd-yyyy for your location, the US.

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