ERROR: cannot copy manifest.php to final destination.

Hi there!

Im trying to upgrade my suitecrm version, i want to apply the new upgrade [], but show me this error;

and the log…

the permissions i’m using are 775 for files and folders.

somebody knows what’s could be happening?

I think you still have permissions issues.

I don’t remember from the other threads, did you already fix the permissions in config.php?

'default_permissions' =>
array (
'dir_mode' => 1517,
'file_mode' => 420,
'user' => 'youruser', // you must replace <youruser> with the actual value
'group' => 'yourgroup', // you must replace <yourgroup> with the actual value

Then, it might also help to clear any directory from a previous failed upgrade attempt (upload/upgrades/something)

Hi @pgr!!
So sorry for reply mostly later…

you know?, im trying to upgrade like a test, other suitecrm’s instance, but in the process when the wizard is checking the permissions, users and groups, made a chash on the system… like a timeout finished or something like that…

When finished the wizard showed me on the browser Service unavilable…

the log file upgradeWizard.log:

My PHP settings are:

locate php.ini

upload_max_filesize = 60M
max_execution_time = 300
post_max_size = 120M

and my default permissions

‘default_permissions’ => array(
‘dir_mode’ =>1517,
‘file_mode’ => 420,
‘user’ =>
‘group’ =>

this happened this yesterday, and casually i made the same test on a backup’s instance since 7 days and work fine, but i not understand why on the yesterday backup instance not works, maybe for the quantity of files (the wizard have shall check each file… mp3, pdf, jpg)?? or the cache stored very heavy files?

what could be happend?

Remind me, how are your cron jobs set up?