Error, and slowdown around the same time


My previous post was about slowdowns and resources being used up on a shared hosting account. I have solved a bunch of that, but there’s one error that I just noticed during the time of a slowdown. Also, some background, I have gone from Sugar 6.something and updated to SuiteCRM, and we’ve been running SuiteCRM without any problems (that I know of) for a while now (we’ve used multiple versions of SuiteCRM and the last time I upgraded it was right when 7.3 came out basically.

Anyway, here’s the error I’m getting – any ideas?

Mon Oct 19 11:38:40 2015 [545772][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: (SELECT acl_actions .*, acl_roles_actions.access_override, 1 as user_role
				FROM acl_actions
				INNER JOIN acl_roles_users ON acl_roles_users.user_id = '' AND  acl_roles_users.deleted = 0
				LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = acl_roles_users.role_id AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = AND acl_roles_actions.deleted=0
				WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0  )


				(SELECT acl_actions .*, acl_roles_actions.access_override, 0 as user_role
				FROM acl_actions 
				INNER JOIN securitygroups_users ON securitygroups_users.user_id = '' AND  securitygroups_users.deleted = 0
				INNER JOIN securitygroups_acl_roles ON securitygroups_users.securitygroup_id = securitygroups_acl_roles.securitygroup_id and securitygroups_acl_roles.deleted = 0
				LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = securitygroups_acl_roles.role_id AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = AND acl_roles_actions.deleted=0
				WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0  )


				(SELECT acl_actions.*, 0 as access_override, -1 as user_role
				FROM acl_actions
				WHERE acl_actions.deleted = 0 )

				ORDER BY user_role desc, category,name,access_override desc: MySQL error 2008: MySQL client ran out of memory