Emails generated by a workflow

Hello guys ,
As you can see on the topic my question is about emails generated by a workflow.
When creating a workflow we can decide to which email adresse the workflow should send an email. The different possibilities are Email , Record Email , user , related field. But there is another possibility to send an Email to a field and in this case we have to enter the name of the field. I tried this but it didn’t work even when i stored an email adresse in that field. So i want to know if there is a particular way of using this method .

Is your email configuration working? If the Workflows sends to a simple static address, do you receive the email?

Yes the workflow is capable of sending an email to a simple static address

Is your WF running on new records? If so, try it on a modified record instead. The idea is to make sure that the data is already in the database, to see if it makes a difference.

Also, ensure that the email is simple:

and not something like

Some name <>

the WF runs on new records and the email is a simple one.

Since this method didn’t work i decided to use the method with “related fields” so that the email will be sent to the user assigned to the record.

@pgr please i have another question about sending a workflow generated email to an email address stored in a field.
The question is must that field be of datatype textfield or should it be of another datatype?

I don’t know any of the answers to these things, I never took classes… :slight_smile:

I just try them and see what works, and what doesn’t…

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