Emails are working (in and out) - but breaks after import

Hi all, strange one…

This first URL works, however once I reply/import it just displays a blank page with the errors below (see screenshot)************&uid=315&msgno=51************

Bump? Please can someone have a look?

More info would be helpful

… especially SuiteCRM version and any clues from the logs.

Sorry SuteCRM 8

Mon May 20 12:34:55 2024 [880302][1][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Mon May 20 12:34:55 2024 [880302][1][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Mon May 20 12:34:55 2024 [880302][1][FATAL] OAuthAuthorizationService::hasConnectionTokenExpired | Access token has expired
Mon May 20 12:34:59 2024 [880302][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/XXXXXXXX/public_html/public/legacy/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Mon May 20 12:34:59 2024 [880302][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: No module defined
Mon May 20 12:35:01 2024 [880301][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/XXXXXXXX/public_html/public/legacy/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Mon May 20 12:35:01 2024 [880301][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: No module defined

There are about 30 Releases in v8, which one exactly are you running?

Your URLs don’t look correct, though I am not sure what specific bit of web server configuration is wrong. Maybe try to review the installation documentation, things like web root, mod_rewrite, etc.

Also, check what you have in config.php, entry site_url, since that is also used to concatenate with other parts and build up the URLs.

Sorry, Version 8.6.0 - config and url’s look fine, everything else is working perfectly. I can read the emails, it is only once it is marked that I can’t************&uid=315&msgno=51

:point_up: this does not look fine - that # shouldn’t be there. That URL is a legacy URL, it should probably be something like************&uid=315&msgno=51

The hash character should appear in modules that are using the v8 views. But in those URL you shouldn’t see legacy or index.php, the v8 URLs look more like this:

It does try to load with no success (or error)