Email not auto importing

Hi, Thanks for the reply,

I can confirm that ‘inbound_email_case_subject_macro’ => ‘[CASE:%1]’, is in my config.php file.

Any other Suggestions?

My bad,

Why it is
Create Case from Email: No ?

It should be Yes, no?

“Create Case from Email:” - is this create a case from each email received that is not linked to a case? If so, we do not want this.

We want emails with the case reference number in the subject (added by the system) to be automatically added to the case. I think this option is “Import Emails Automatically” ?

One more thing.
Can you verify if you have below logic hook entry at custom/modules/Emails/logic_hooks.php

$hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(10, 'Save email case updates', 'modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php','CaseUpdatesHook', 'saveEmailUpdate'); 

Hi regarding the “Create Case from Email” this has made no difference.

The custom/modules/Emails/logic_hooks.php file contains:

// Do not store anything in this file that is not part of the array or the hook version.  This file will
// be automatically rebuilt in the future.
 $hook_version = 1;
$hook_array = Array();
// position, file, function
$hook_array['after_save'] = Array();
$hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(10, 'Save email case updates', 'modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php','CaseUpdatesHook', 'saveEmailUpdate');


Make sure you have Enabled AOP and have made all the settings required in Admin -> AOP Settings

@peted what is your version of SuiteCRM?

Is this a Group Email account?


Please find attached an image of the EOP Setting. I have added the the parameters with red arrows as these were missing, but still not working.


HI pgr,

it is a group email. and Version 7.10.7


Please see attached email set-up.

Can you make the log statements to fatal instead of warn ?
Check the function saveEmailUpdate($email) in modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php

make the $GLOBALS[‘log’]->warn() statements to $GLOBALS[‘log’]->fatal();
and observe the suitecrm.log when you think a case update happens.

Make sure the scheduler “Check Inbound Mailboxes” is Active and running and also check if cronjob is executing.

Thanks for the next steps, Sorry i am quite new to SuiteCRM, Can you offer some advice on how to do what you are asking?



in modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php

there is: public function saveEmailUpdate($email)

scheduler “Check Inbound Mailboxes” is Active and the cront tab must be running as the work flows are running. also when running this command:

sudo crontab -e -u www-data
the contents is:

          • cd /var/www/html; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1 

However every job log for all schedule tasks are empty.

I am just unsure who to do:


I think it it a crontab issue,

When i run the command:

sudo -u www-data php -f cron.php

All the emails appeared in the correct cases.

  1. Have you set up the cronjob?
  2. Scheduler is Active?

Keep the backup of the file modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php
replace the function with below code.
Once done make a case update via email and monitor the suitecrm.log
I have made the log statement to fatal so that you will see if it comes in the function, if yes where does it go.

public function saveEmailUpdate($email)
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("comes in saveEmailUpdate");
        if ($email->intent !== 'createcase' || $email->parent_type !== 'Cases') {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('CaseUpdatesHook: saveEmailUpdate: Not a create case or wrong parent type');

        if (!isAOPEnabled()) {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('AOP is Disabled');
        if (!$email->parent_id) {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('CaseUpdatesHook: saveEmailUpdate No parent id');


        if ($email->cases) {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('CaseUpdatesHook: saveEmailUpdate cases already set');


        if ($email->fetched_row['parent_id']) {
            //Will have been processed already
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("comes in parent_id. Will have been processed already");

        $ea = new SugarEmailAddress();
        $beans = $ea->getBeansByEmailAddress($email->from_addr);
        $contact_id = null;
        foreach ($beans as $emailBean) {
            if ($emailBean->module_name === 'Contacts' && !empty($emailBean->id)) {
                $contact_id = $emailBean->id;
                $this->linkAccountAndCase($email->parent_id, $emailBean->account_id);
        $caseUpdate = new AOP_Case_Updates();
        $caseUpdate->name = $email->name;
        $caseUpdate->contact_id = $contact_id;
        $updateText = $this->unquoteEmail($email->description_html ? $email->description_html : $email->description);
        $caseUpdate->description = $updateText;
        $caseUpdate->internal = false;
        $caseUpdate->case_id = $email->parent_id;
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Case update Done.");        
        $notes = $email->get_linked_beans('notes', 'Notes');
        foreach ($notes as $note) {
            //Link notes to case update also
            $newNote = BeanFactory::newBean('Notes');
            $newNote->name = $note->name;
            $newNote->file_mime_type = $note->file_mime_type;
            $newNote->filename = $note->filename;
            $newNote->parent_type = 'AOP_Case_Updates';
            $newNote->parent_id = $caseUpdate->id;
            $srcFile = "upload://{$note->id}";
            $destFile = "upload://{$newNote->id}";
            copy($srcFile, $destFile);

        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Ends: saveEmailUpdate");

Correct so can you confirm if crontab -e shows you the crm cron.php’s entry?

crontab -e shows a crontab file with no entires.

sudo crontab -e -u www-data does have the entry:

          • cd /var/www/html; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

OK, So i have it working now. I have created a crontab job under root and added the following command:

          • cd /var/www/html; sudo -u www-data php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

So for some reason cron job is not working for www-data.

Is there any issues on my work-around?

Good to know that it works.
For www-data users you need to add it in
crontab -u www-data -e

A post was split to a new topic: Email not auto-importing